Cultivating a thriving culture: Insights from People First HR

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In today's evolving work environment, key factors such as employee feedback, engagement, and disability management are vital in defining an organization's culture and success. Our friends at  People First HR, lead the charge with innovative strategies that ensure your employees are appreciated, supported, and actively engaged.

The art of feedback, according to Ardele Karaganis

Feedback is a cornerstone of effective leadership and team development.

Kim Scott's methodology as highlighted by Senior HR Consultant Ardele Karaganis, underscores the importance of mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback. 

The approach is simple yet profound: 

Get accustomed to feedback, solicit it actively, and learn from it. When giving feedback, gauge the recipient's reaction—adjust your level of care or candour as needed. 

Karaganis emphasizes encouraging a culture where feedback is not just exchanged top-down but is a shared responsibility among all team members. Cultivating a culture of shared feedback helps cut through the gossip and fosters direct, constructive communication.

Redefining employee engagement with Brookley Susser

Senior HR Consultant Brookley Susser takes a deep dive into what truly invigorates employee engagement, arguing that it's not just about the tangible rewards in a workplace, but about fostering a sense of belonging, value, and achievement. 

Recognize the gap between leadership perceptions and employee reality

Susser advocates for engagement surveys that go beyond the surface; designed to unearth genuine feedback and employee sentiments. By bridging the gap between leadership perception and employee reality, organizations can tailor their strategies to make employees feel genuinely valued, in turn enhancing satisfaction and organizational growth.

Rethinking disability management with People First

The traditional strategy of disability management is evolving. 

People First sheds light on the importance of a more inclusive approach, shifting focus to early intervention, recovery support, and maintaining connection with the workplace during an employee's absence. 

Did you know?

A worker earning $50,000 a year who becomes disabled at age 35 will lose almost $400,000 in the 30 years before retirement, based on 60% long-term disability coverage. If forced onto social assistance, the cost will rise to almost $800,000.

Source: People First & [1] Source [2] Source

Highlighting the significant impact of prolonged work absence on an individual's mental and financial well-being, People First recommends comprehensive disability management programs. These programs aim not just to address absenteeism, but to promote overall employee wellness and engagement, emphasizing prevention, supportive recovery processes, and regular evaluation of program effectiveness.

Key strategies for a healthier workplace

People First's insights lead to several key strategies for enhancing workplace culture:

  • Embrace feedback as a gift: See feedback as invaluable data for improvement. Promote a culture where feedback is shared consistently and with radical candour.
  • Foster employee engagement: Through tailored engagement surveys, create an environment where employees feel genuinely valued and heard. Close the gap between perceived engagement and actual engagement.
  • Navigating disability management as a team: Support all stages of prevention, early intervention, recovery and evaluation. Partner with your employees throughout and show that you are building a long-term partnership.

By adopting these strategies from People First HR, companies can shape a workplace that excels in productivity, while also nurturing a culture of support, engagement, and well-being.

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